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Have something to share about working at Meemic. #Meemic on your photos and help us display all the great things about what makes us a great company.

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Several Meemic employees spent hours one weekend to give the staff at Great Lakes Academy a makeover for their teachers’ lounge.

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Agents like Dan Mace hit the road every May to visit schools and teachers and offer tokens of gratitude (and food) for Teacher Appreciation Week.

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George the Guinea pig was one of our Meemic Class Pets of the Month. “The kids just adore him,” wrote science teacher Michelle O’Neall of CGMS Middle School.

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Agent Amy Lamanna presented a $300 Classroom Makeover award to Amy Keating of Botsford Elementary and principal Bryan DeCaire.

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The Meemic Foundation’s Fore! Education golf outing and fundraiser also included an indoor option featuring Painting With a Twist.

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Meemic Agents have been setting up at several educator conferences. Kerri and Chip Williams were at the Michigan Music Conference.